These Iowa Little Leaguers were completely undaunted by a looming tornado

We've all been through rain delays. Some of us have even seen games affected by snow, power failure and even bees. But have you ever seen a tornado tower over a baseball diamond?

I certainly haven't, but obviously, it's somehow nothing new to this group of Little Leaguers from Montezuma, Iowa.

I'm a little nervous just looking at that image. It's not Kansas, but I still half-expect the Wicked Witch of the West to come soaring out of that twister to send threatening messages on her broom.

Don't be worried, though. According to the Des Moines Register, the tornado threat only caused the game before this one to be cancelled. By the time the kids had warmed up, the weather had cleared up and they were ready to play.

I would still be on the lookout for flying monkeys. Those things are menacing.

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