Jose Abreu pursues foul ball, receives hug and kiss invitation from Miguel Cabrera instead

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Tigers' star Miguel Cabrera finds ways to show off his trademark friendliness as much as he can. Sometimes, he pretends to be a ballboy. Other times, he tries (and fails) at pulling off hidden-ball tricks. He also asks opposing first basemen for hugs, too. He's basically one of the league's Fun Ambassadors, a designation we just made up now but seems to fit pretty well.
He found his latest moment in the third inning of Detroit's matchup with the White Sox on Tuesday night, when White Sox first baseman Jose Abreu glided over toward the dugout in pursuit of a foul off the bat of Ian Kinsler. He didn't make the play, but he did receive a special request from Cabrera, who ran up to the lip of the Tigers' dugout as Abreu drew near:

As you can see above, though, Abreu didn't really have time for Cabrera's advances. After all, he had more pressing demands to return to on the diamond.
Maybe next time!

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