The Tigers accidentally helped the A's turn one of the strangest double plays you'll see

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There are lots of ways to turn a double play. As a baseball fan (... you are a baseball fan, yes?) you've probably encountered most of them: There's a 4-6-3 ground ball, for instance, or a strike-'em-out throw-'em-out, or a fielder could even decide to take care of things himself. But during Friday night's win in Oakland, the Tigers unwittingly helped the A's turn a double play that you definitely didn't see coming -- that is, unless you foresaw the ol' "3-2-batter's interference," in which case ...

Yes, we said "3-2-batter's interference" -- and by "batter's interference," we mean "batter who had already been retired." Allow this handy GIF to explain:

First, let's fire up the Benny Hill theme. Now, to recap: With Ian Kinsler on third and one out, Victor Martinez popped out into foul territory behind first base. Kinsler took a step or two towards home, just looking to draw a throw from Yonder Alonso ... except, well, Martinez wasn't really clear of the action yet, and the throw bounced off his leg and away from catcher Stephen Vogt. Kinsler trotted home, thinking he had just scored ... until home plate umpire Joe West realized what was up -- he ruled Martinez out on the popup and Kinsler out on the interference with the throw.
Further proof that, given enough time, baseball will find a way to throw together every possible combination of variables for maximum weirdness. We eagerly await the 9-5-7-2 double play by 2018.

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