Blue Jays broadcasters delivered an autographed ball to a kid who fell and scraped his knees

Something cool happened Tuesday night when the Blue Jays hosted the Rays. The Jays fell to Tampa Bay 8-1, but this was something that happened in the stands.
Toronto's broadcasting crew, which consists of Sportsnet's Jamie Campbell and former Major Leaguer Kevin Barker, witnessed a kid who had fallen and scraped his knee on the cement.
Barker noticed what had happened and got the attention of some of the guys in the bullpen to throw a baseball up to the set, which is located directly above the left-field foul pole seats. Both Barker and Campbell signed the ball and delivered it to the young boy.

"He was going to throw it down to the kid's father, but thought it would be better to simply hand-deliver," Campbell told
Major kudos to everyone involved in this to make his day. 

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