Texas A&M's walk-off grand slam and bat flip was every baseball player's wildest dream come true

Every young baseball player has the same dream.

Bases loaded. Down three runs. Two outs. Bottom of the ninth.

It always ends the same way in our minds: GRAND SLAM. You're the hero, the instant legend.

For all of us, this is the ideal perfect scenario, but it rarely comes to fruition in real life. This exact scenario did happen to Texas A&M's Bryce Blaum on Sunday, though, and it came in an elimination game.

Oh, and the bat flip was downright electric, too.

"The thrill of victory, the agony of defeat" is an old adage that applies in this situation. On the flip side of the euphoric scene above, though, there's this from the West Virginia side. This poor guy will think about this forever.

But for Blaum and the Aggies, this was the stuff of magic, and it won't soon be forgotten.

When it comes to the type of moments in baseball games that transcend the action on the field and speak to the reasons we all watch (or play), it's this. From the homer itself, which came in the most dramatic, meaningful way possible, to the emotions displayed on both sides of the field, it's pure magic all around.

It's what makes baseball special, really.

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