Terry Francona took a break from Spring Training to jump out of a plane 

Terry Francona has certainly accomplished plenty in his illustrious managerial career, most notably being the skipper of the 2004 Red Sox team that ended Boston's 86-year World Series drought. Entering his seventh season with the Indians, Francona is the fifth-longest tenured manager in baseball and will look to lead Cleveland to another AL Central title in 2019. But for all the experience he has in big-pressure October moments, nothing could have prepared Tito for his recent off-day activity: skydiving.

That's one way to prepare for the season! If you were picking an MLB manager to be seen skydiving during Spring Training, Francona and his outgoing personality would probably be one of your first picks. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't give him credit for the level of bravery it requires to jump out of a plane.

Francona told MLB.com's Mandy Bell that he's hoping he can get some of his players to join him if he gets the opportunity for a second round of skydiving. Sound good, Francisco?

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