Bees laid claim to the infield so the Blue Jays and Angels left in a hurry

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Bees. BEES. 
The mere mention of them can strike fear in folks' hearts, and an angry, buzzing swarm of them taking over an infield is enough to drive a bunch of players -- including the Blue Jays and Angels, who fled in the third inning of the Halos' 4-0 win on Sunday -- running for cover:

See Mike Trout's wry smile in that GIF as he walked off the field? As the Angels' TV crew mentioned in the clip atop this post, weather is Trout's favorite off-field interest, not bees ... but it looks like he wasn't particularly spooked by Sunday's invasion.
In fact, speaking with's Jack Baer after the game, Trout talked about his vantage point of the bee assault: 
"I just looked at Encarnacion and he had about 12 of them on him. Flying around and landed on him. I looked up and there were just a bunch of them above him. I think they went into center field behind the wall. That's where we saw them last."

At any rate, he and everybody else took a break until the unwelcome visitors were dealt with and, after a 13-minute delay, the teams were back on the field.
Angels manager Mike Scioscia had this to say of their guests: 
"I don't know if it was the same swarm in Arizona that hit us last year. We've had them occasionally here. We've got to share the world. That's the best way I can put it."
Stay safe, guys! 

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