Steph Curry joined Hunter and Lexi Pence for a couple friendly rounds of Mario Kart

Friday night, Steph Curry visited Coral Sword -- a Houston coffee and game shop owned by Lexi and Hunter Pence -- for a friendly game of Mario Kart.
In terms of character selection -- which everyone knows is crucial to success -- Hunter revealed he is committed to Luigi in all Mario games. Curry went with Yoshi to start, but was more willing to experiment with different characters.
Though it was billed as a friendly match up between two Bay Area sports stars -- and both admitted to a lack of experience -- victory was very meaningful, as Pence showed after winning a round:

If you want to watch the entirety of the Pence/Curry match up -- complete with celebrations, trash talk and discussions about strategy -- well, you can do that:

Watch Stephen Curry stops by Coral Sword! from CoralSword on

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