May we all strive to look as majestic as these sled dogs training on an Alaska baseball field

With Spring Training wrapping up and the start of the season just around the corner, it's easy to let thoughts of warmer weather fill your mind. Before too long, sunny days at the ballpark will be the norm again.

Up in Alaska, however, snow is still on the ground and will remain there for quite some time. But don't get too gloomy about it! Such circumstances are perfect for sled dogs, and a select few in particular from the ATAO Kennel in Fairbanks got to enjoy them right on the field at Growden Park, home of the semi-pro Alaska Goldpanners.

Look at how much they're enjoying it!

"The snow was deep at the Goldpanners' field, but breaking trail was great training for our rookie leader Rebel as she worked alongside Iditarod veteran Hooch," said musher Mari Troshynski.

Now that looks like living.

Troshynski said the dogs also took advantage of the baseball field. "Naturally, the pups took infield practice too! They only lost the baseball in the snow once.

"They couldn't steal any bases because we couldn't find them in the snow, but they always kept the mind to run home."

The Goldpanners should sign these pups up. We're imagining a spin-off of "Air Bud: Seventh Inning Fetch" starring a baseball team of just sled dogs, and we need it now. They don't even need perfect field conditions to play!

At the very least, they should be brought on board for bat dog duties.

Credit to Henry Cole for research assistance.

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