Sean Doolittle awards A's coaches social media diplomas after meticulous training

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From Facebook to Twitter and Snapchat to Instagram, social media can be a vast sea of uncertainty for most people in today's society. There are just too many new platforms to master, too many terms to get right. Tweet? Swipe? Snap? Filter? Tumblr? Periscope? "Like"? It can be overwhelming.
A's reliever Sean Doolittle is something of a social media "guru," as they're called these days, sharing amusing anecdotes involving his girlfriend, Eireann, wrestling GIFs and videos of his dog dressed up in "Star Wars" regalia on the regular. 
That's part of the reason why the A's put together a series -- nay, a trilogy, appropriately enough -- of team ads alluding to his social media mastery. With 'Doo acting as a coach, he gave careful instruction to manager Bob Melvin and pitching coach Curt Young as far back as 2014, in a clip now featuring some A's alumni: 

The sequel came out prior to the 2015 season, and showed some progress among the coaching staff, though they still had a ways to go:

The finale, as seen atop this post, shows Doolittle quizzing Melvin, Young and third-base coach Ron Washington on what they've learned thus far, although it appears Washington didn't learn the "no duck faces" rule.
Still, progress is progress!

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