Watch Sean Doolittle answer your deepest, most important Star Wars questions

At the release of the new Star Wars film, "The Force Awakens," Athletics closer Sean Doolittledidn't just show up in a Chewbacca costume, but he got his girlfriend, baseball analyst Eirann Dolan, to dress up as Darth Vader. She was, umm, thrilled. 

At A's FanFest on Sunday, it was time for the fans to ask some questions of the closer. Naturally, they were Star Wars-focused. Because why would you want to know about things like pitch selection, when you could instead gain insight into a Galaxy far, far away?
WARNING: There may be spoilers ahead. But if you haven't seen Star Wars yet and you care about things being spoiled, man, you're making some weird life choices. 
Doolittle dished on the biggest mystery in the universe:

Took on philosophical quandaries: 

Talked about a name change that should happen, given its connection to baseball's walks per nine (often written as BB/9):

Doolittle then addressed perhaps the biggest plot hole in the film. (I mean, other than "Why would a larger Death Star still have the same kind of security flaw?"):

Check out @Athletics for more Star Wars, along with Q&A's with Mark Canha and Stephen Vogt.  

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