Scott Kingery nearly got decked by the second-base umpire in his Major League debut

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After hitting a blistering .411/.441/.786 with five homers in Spring Training, we knew it wouldn't take long for the Phillies to bring No. 2 prospectScott Kingery up to the big leagues. Turns out, it took exactly one game: Philly pencilled Kingery into the starting lineup on Friday against the Braves for his Major League debut.
Like all rookies, Kingery quickly got his "welcome to The Show, kid" moment. Except his wasn't an opposing pitcher or even some shenanigans from his teammates -- it came from second-base umpire Jordan Baker:

After Kingery sprinted over to successfully apply the tag at second base, his momentum carried him beyond the bag ... and right into the line of fire, as Baker was all set to punch out the runner. Luckily, Baker's got pretty good reaction time, and a crisis was averted. Still, in the big leagues, keeping your head on a swivel is always important.

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