CC Sabathia, Edwin Jackson and B.J. Upton took a group photo on horseback and it'd be a great album cover

Scrolling through your Instagram timeline can be overwhelming -- and complex platform algorithms aside, it can be tough to notice premium, can't-miss content on your feed most of the time.
So let this be an opportunity for us to bring to your attention a particularly worthwhile image shared by CC Sabathia on Saturday afternoon, depicting himself and pals Edwin Jackson and B.J. Upton -- each on horseback and each looking like an absolute boss: 

This amazing #SquadGoals image was made possible by Chris Young's wedding, as the veteran outfielder invited some of his friends to a luxury resort in Cabo San Lucas for the big event this weekend. Jackie Bradley Jr. is also there, as he's been documenting on Instagram heavily:

Baseball players have the best weddings ... 

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