Russell Martin battled the sun and came away with an impressive diving catch

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Throughout his career, Russell Martin has developed a reputation as one of the best defensive catchers in the game. The marks of a good defensive catcher are often subtle -- quietly receiving a pitch on the corner, calling a good game, getting out of the crouch quickly to throw out a runner. 
During the first inning of Sunday's game against the Yankees, the Blue Jays' backstop showed off the athleticism that makes him great behind the plate. Despite initially losing the ball in the sun, Martin's explosiveness and reflexes allowed him to recover:

Martin's getting quite good at these juggling catches, especially when Ryan Borucki is on the hill. In June, he helped him get a strikeout with a juggling and diving catch on a Brian McCann foul tip:

Pitchers and catchers have a special relationship. It appears that Martin and Borucki's relationship inspires tumbling catches. 

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