Ned Yost has discovered the Laurel vs. Yanny meme and no one is safe

Any good manager has to be able to relate to his players -- to understand what their lives are like, what they care about and where they're coming from. Considering that most skippers are a good deal older than the teams they lead, this can be a tricky proposition. But fear not, Royals fans: Ned Yost, as always, is up to the task.
Do you remember that dress from a few years back? Of course you do: Some people thought it was blue and black, some people thought it was white and gold, and the ensuing debate nearly tore society in half. And now, because the internet is nothing if not great at producing stuff for us to argue about, comes the sequel: Do you hear the word "Yanny" or the word "Laurel" in the clip below?

Despite the fact that "Yanny" is not a word and the answer is clearly "Laurel," nobody can seem to agree on what the right answer is. And "nobody," in this case, includes Yost. When the Kansas City manager met with reporters on Wednesday morning, he had a question for them, according to's Jeffrey Flanagan: "Did you guys get the Yanny versus Laurel thing yet?"
Yost then took out his computer, explained the meme, played the clip for everyone and took a poll. The consensus was "Laurel," which Yost himself agreed with: "We asked the trainers and half heard Laurel and half heard Yanny," Yost said. "I don't know, I heard Laurel 100 percent. I took it into the food room and half heard Laurel and half heard Yanny. It's crazy."
Thank you for standing on the right side of history, Ned. 

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