Young Red Sox fan makes it to Fenway for his late father, gets A-Rod's home run bat

When Mesa, Ariz., native Andy Moss was diagnosed with cancer last year, there was one big item on his bucket list: to take his son, David, to Fenway Park and meet his hero, David Ortiz. Sadly, Andy passed away in late September, but on his 8th birthday, David made sure his dad's wish came true -- he and his sister and mom made the trip to the Red Sox-Yankees game on Friday night.
Boston welcomed Andy to batting practice, where he finally met Big Papi. But the story doesn't end there -- Alex Rodriguez happened to say hello before his first at-bat in the second inning, and David had one request.
"I asked if I could have his bat," he said. "He said, 'If I hit a home run you can have my bat!'" Just a few minutes later, this happened:

Ever the man of his word, A-Rod paid up:

And as if a souvenir from A-Rod wasn't cool enough, a nearby Red Sox fan caught wind of David's story, and decided to give him and his family one last present: tickets for seats above Boston's dugout, so he could get his baseball signed by Big Papi. A few innings later, Ortiz hit the game-winning dinger in the bottom of the eighth, because of course.
Correction: An earlier version of this post said that Ortiz shared Moss' story with Rodriguez. The post has been edited to reflect that Rodriguez did not know Moss' situation before the gift.

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