Logan Morrison picked up an RBI single after hitting the ball TWICE on one swing

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Hitting a baseball with a bat is a peculiar activity. 
Not only is it one of the more difficult things to do in all of professional sports, but sometimes you can hit the ball TWO times with ONE swing. No, really, you can.
Logan Morrison was the latest to pull off this feat during the Rays' game with the Marlins on Wednesday on an RBI single in the second inning.

LoMo probably didn't realize upon making contact that he had done so twice, but his "Matrix"-style celebration upon reaching first base (as seen in the clip above) was all the more appropriate, given the whole physics/science appeal -- and general weirdness -- of hitting one baseball two times.
To ramp up the weirdness even more, Brandon Phillips of the Reds did this very same thing just last week, so it would appear we have something of an epidemic on our hands here. 

Just a heads-up, though: whether you hit the ball one time, three times (as Hunter Pencedid to dramatic effect in the 2012 NLCS) or seven times, you'll still only get credited with one base hit.

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