With Chris Berman leaving, which broadcaster do you want to call the Home Run Derby?

When the Home Run Derby comes around this summer, you'll get to see plenty of dingers launched into the stratosphere, but the soundtrack will be a little different. That's because Chris Berman and his patented "Back, back, back" won't be around. The ESPN announcer is stepping down from his role as dinger MC. (Side note: MC Dinger would be a killer name for a rapper.)
With Berman leaving, we now turn to you, humble reader: Which broadcaster and his famous home run call would you like to see take his place? Are you a fan of John Sterling and his endless puns? Jon Miller's "Adios, pelota!"? Greg Brown's deliciously Piratical "Clear the decks, cannonball's coming!"? 
Let us know by ranking them below: