Quiz time! Can you match the MLB stars to the teams they played for?

On Feb. 4, 2018, Bartolo Colon signed a Minor League deal with the Rangers, complete with an invite to Spring Training. If our wishes come true and Bartolo takes the mound for Texas at some point this season, it will be the 11th team he's played for -- a remarkable number, until you consider that it's not even a Major League record: Octavio Dotel wore a whopping 13 different jerseys over his career.
Point is: Major League players have a tendency to move around. For every Derek Jeter or Chipper Jones, players who become faces of their respective franchises, there's an Edwin Jackson or LaTroy Hawkins. It can all be a bit much to keep track of ... which brings us to this quiz.
We'll start with six teams, working our way down the ladder until only one remains. Your job? Select the player who played for every team in that specific group at some point in his career. (E.g.: Roberto Alomar would satisfy "Blue Jays, Indians and Orioles," while Albert Belle wouldn't because he never played for Toronto.)