Adorable puppies are taking over baseball and there's nothing any of us can do about it

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We like to think we're in control as human beings, but we actually aren't. Know who is? Puppies. Puppies are in charge. Puppies call the shots.

Padres left-hander Matt Strahm was surprised with an adorable little puppy named Knox by his wife on Tuesday night. Prior to San Diego's game against the Rockies on Thursday at Petco Park, Knox enjoyed a leisurely stroll around the infield dirt, dutifully following behind his new best friend, Matt.

Look at Knox. He's having the time of his young life.

A few hours later, Strahm relieved starter Eric Lauer and threw two scoreless innings in the game, striking out three and being credited with the win -- clearly due to Knox's presence.

I know, I know. "A puppy can't be the reason a guy won a game, c'mon man," you're thinking while reading this.

But it can. Over in New York, the Mets are in the midst of a red hot streak that has them talking about "slaying the giants" of the NL East, and it all coincided with Jeff McNeil and his wife adopting the most adorable puppy you'll ever see, Willow.

To recap: the McNeils get a puppy, the Mets go on a hot streak.

The Strahms get a puppy, Matt wins a game immediately afterward.

Coincidence? Definitely not. Puppies are magic.

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