Yasiel Puig clubbed a homer and rubbed his new blonde mohawk in the dugout in celebration

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Yasiel Puig returned to San Francisco this weekend with the Reds, revisiting a stadium with which he's very familiar thanks to his seasons with the Dodgers -- and he's enjoyed it. Puig's been on a bit of an offensive tear these past few days, and it continued on Sunday afternoon with a deep homer to left field off Madison Bumgarner.

But there was something new about Puig on Sunday ... something visually different going on with his head. I'm talking about his flashy new blonde mohawk. It's a look:

Puig's no stranger to this look, as he previously dyed his hair blonde and shaped it into a mohawk during the 2017 World Series, making sure to dye it blue accordingly:

After his homer Sunday, Puig celebrated with his teammates in the Reds dugout before rubbing his new haircut and staring into the camera and wishing his mom a happy Mother's Day.


After the game, Bumgarner fired off a quick answer when asked about Puig's homer, as reported by MLB.com's Maria Guardado:

“He’s a quick study,” Bumgarner said. “It only took him seven years to learn how to hit that pitch.”

As for Puig's haircut, explained his new look to MLB.com's Mark Sheldon postgame, noting that he took part of his inspiration from Eugenio Suárez, who has been bleach-blonde since last season.

"Suárez had his hair like that," Puig said. "José Peraza, after the two hits that he hit in Oakland, he said ‘If I hit two hits, I’m going to do my hair.’ I said, ‘You know what? If I get two hits, I’m going to do it too.’ In Oakland, in the last game, I only had one hit. I stayed short. Here, I did it in the first game. After the second game, I finally did it last night because the game before that, I hit two hits and two RBIs. That’s the day I’m supposed to do it, but the barber does a lot of a lot of other haircuts for my other teammates. That’s what I did last night."

And his teammates' reaction to his hair:

“Peraza is a little gray. Mine is a little blonde. He doesn’t have the hair that looks good like me. But his is pretty.”

How does Puig think his new 'do looks?

"I don’t care how it looks. I do it for my teammates. If I say something and I promise something, I come through. That’s the reason I have my hair like that because I said if I have two hits, I’m going to do it. Now here I am."

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