The Pirates represented nearly every comic/superhero universe with their road trip costumes

The superhero business is booming these days. Marvel films are the talk of the public consciousness for months on end, characters spanning universes and appearing in each other's films on a regular basis.

The mash-up provided by the Pirates as they headed to the airport for a road trip on Thursday afternoon is one of the biggest convergences of realms and universes we've seen in a long time -- maybe ever. Here's a preview, featuring the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Batman and Robin, Wolverine (in and out of costume) and ... Jesus:

Look at this photography.

Frozone from "The Incredibles" is a nice choice, Cole Tucker.

And now, the pièce de résistance, shot outside the team plane. In addition to the above, the following make appearances:

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Black Panther

Buzz Lightyear




a gorilla (King Kong?)

and more, including not one, but two Deadpools (taking all the attention, per usual):

If this isn't the Marvel-Disney-DC-etcetera mash-up we need, I don't know what is.

Kudos to the Pirates for an epic road trip theme.

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