The Pirates have improved your love life with the new Francisco Cervelli singing bobblehead

Navigating life and love in the 21st century is a minefield, what with dating apps and "ghosting" and having to open up your heart to achieve true emotional intimacy. Fortunately, the Pirates and their catcher/senior vice president on romance, Francisco Cervelli, were there for you. With his love of love, Cervelli -- dressed in a robe, natch -- regularly provided Pirates fans with the most important love tips of the day on the videoboard. 
And now, when the Pirates play the Braves on Apr. 8 next year, the fans in attendance will walk away with a singing Cervelli bobblehead. Yes, he'll be in a robe. 

I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say that a lot of relationships will be strengthed with this bobblehead in the house. 

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