Andrew and Maria McCutchen announced they are having a baby boy

Andrew McCutchen lives a good life. The five-time All-Star and former National League MVP married his wife Maria in November 2014 after a romantic proposal on the "Ellen DeGeneres Show." The couple also recently announced they would be expecting a new addition to their family in December. 

On Tuesday, McCutchen took to his Instagram to announce he and Maria would be welcoming a baby boy to the family at the end of the year, and according to's Adam Berry he is ecstatic.

"I'm excited," McCutchen said Tuesday afternoon to "I've got someone to carry the [family] name. From here on out, if I have a [another] boy or a girl, I'm good."
Congratulations to the couple and we can't wait to meet the little guy. A mini-McCutchen is exactly what this world deserves. 

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