Cody Decker is documenting his WBC team's trip to Israel with some truly stunning photos

In preparation for the World Baseball Classic in March, 10 members of Team Israel embarked on a trip to the country, hoping to grow the game there and connect with their Jewish roots. The group has gone everywhere from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem to the Dead Sea, but luckily, you don't have to just take our word for it -- catcher and newest Milwaukee Brewer Cody Decker has been snapping photos every step of the way. 
The trip began on Jan. 4 in Tel Aviv, with a pretty great view:

At any time of day:

They even got to add to a pretty remarkable collection of street art:

Next up was Jerusalem, which seems like a pretty nice place to spend your January:

The team visited the ancient Western Wall, a holy place of prayer in Jerusalem's Old City:

And the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the location of Jesus' empty tomb:

Oh, and did we mention the views were spectacular?

A scene befitting the immortal words of Drake: