Salvador Perez got a tattoo to commemorate the Royals' World Series victory

When choosing how to commemorate the Royals' World Series victory, Salvador Perez had options. In the official capacity, he could -- and did -- sign a five-year contract extension with the team. In more personal terms, he could have gone the Paulo Orlando route and gotten a tattoo of himself. After all, he had plenty of memorable moments to pick from.
Like, you know, being the World Series MVP. This photo would have made a truly incredible back piece:

Or he could have opted for a traditional heart tattoo ... featuring his BFF:

But the tattoo he chose was neither of those things (probably because GIF tattoos aren't yet possible). This is what he ultimately went with:

We like it! It's like he's carrying the Commissioner's Trophy at all times. 
h/t: Jeremy Scheuch

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