A Phillies fan lost his sunglasses making a catch, but he was able to give his daughter a great gift

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They say that it's a good idea to bring a glove to the ballpark if you want to bring home a foul ball, but that's only necessary if you're not too slick to make a great catch without it. This was the lesson proved by one Phillies fan at Citizens Bank Park on Tuesday.
In the ninth inning, Wilson Ramos fouled a ball off to the first-base side, well out of play. A catch seemed unlikely given how hard Ramos hit it, and it looked like it would fall short of the deck anyway. Then ... it was snatched out of the blue:

What a grab! This fan lost the sunglasses that were on top of his head, but hey -- he made the play.
The cherry on top? His daughter -- all decked out in Phillies gear -- got a souvenir and a big hug to boot:


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