Phil Hughes tweeted at Matt Harvey to let him know that he feels his pain

On Friday, the Mets received some unfortunate news regarding ace Matt Harvey, who will have season-ending surgery to resolve thoracic outlet syndrome after some significant shoulder discomfort.
Despite Harvey's career setback, he sounded as determined as ever to get back to business now that he has an explanation for his pain:

Twins right-hander Phil Hughes, who also is lost for the remainder of the 2016 campaign thanks to TOS, shared his condolences in a fashion that only a kindred spirit could -- with a tweet of his own:

What shaped Hughes' opinion of ribs, might you ask? Well, he just had his own surgery to remove a rib and relieve pressure on his right shoulder:

Let this connection between Hughes and Harvey be our latest reminder of the close bonds pitchers are known to form ... 

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