Instead of talking, Phil Hughes and Glen Perkins tweeted at each other during their flight

Usually, people who know each other on the same flight will talk. They'll chat about the weather, about the in-flight movies, about the bond they share as teammates and pitchers on the Twins.
Not so for Phil Hughes and Glen Perkins. The two were aboard the same flight Tuesday afternoon, and yet, instead of communicating with one another using their voices, the duo tweeted about each other using their smartphones and airplane wifi.

In fairness to Perkins, perhaps he wasn't 100 percent sure it was indeed his teammate across the aisle from him, and wanted confirmation before striking up a conversation. Which I get, because talking to a stranger as if he were Phil Hughes would be weird -- although I'm sure any person would be flattered if you asked him about his historically high strikeout-to-walk ratio from 2014.

But as for Hughes -- c'mon Phil, subtweeting a guy is no way to treat your closer.  

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