Today in Photo Day Adventures: The Padres got to play with some adorable puppies

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Everyone knows that Photo Day is one of the very best moments of the spring. It's a time for magic tricks:

A time for gamefaces:

A time for photobombing those gamefaces:

What could possibly improve on Major League players winging it in front of a camera? What's the only thing better than Photo Day? The Padres' Photo Day with puppies:

WARNING: The following images may be unsuitable for those who cannot tolerate extremely adorable imagery and/or dog jerseys:

They brought some of their puppy friends along, too:

There were even puppies that looked less like puppies and more like the fluffed animals of our wildest dreams:

If all this sounds like something you might be interested in, click play on the video at the top of the post for a behind-the-scenes look at the puppies of Photo Day -- including a dog dressed as a hot dog.

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