The Padres banded together to sing 'All Star' by Smash Mouth in the dugout before their game

Somebody once told me something pretty valuable: Enjoy your life as best you can, because (as far as we all know) you only get one chance at it.

You'll never shine if you don't glow, and the Padres are certainly glowing these days when it comes to coordinated dugout antics.

Buoyed by a bastion of young talent, the club is on the rise in the NL West, exhibiting some above-average dugout musical performances before taking the field lately. Led once again by exuberant slugger Franmil Reyes on Sunday afternoon, a group of them gathered for a communal rendition of that dear and beloved classic, "All Star" by Smash Mouth.

This is one budding tradition the Padres are doing lately that has my full, unconditional support.

Only shooting stars break the mold, after all.

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