Ozzie Albies' adorable little sister Jeanalyn shows off her baseball skills

Braves second baseman Ozzie Albies had an amazing 2018 season despite being one of the youngest everyday players in baseball. The 21-year-old Albies, who is young enough to have been born after Happy Gilmore came out, crushed 24 homers and represented the Braves at the All-Star Game in his first full season in the bigs.
But what if I told you that Ozzie isn't even the youngest baseballing member of his own family? It turns out that Ozzie's baby sister, Jeanalyn, has some pretty impressive ballplaying skills as well.

First of all, shouts out to Ozzie for having what looks to be an entire suitcase full of pearly white baseballs. Any youth baseball player knows that sometimes the toughest part of getting reps in is having enough baseballs on hand, so kudos to Ozzie for making sure his little sis has what she needs to get better.
Unlike her older brother, Jeanalyn's extreme over-the-top arm action might not be ideal for second base right now. But her incredibly deceptive release point might make her a really effective reliever one day, à la former D-backs hurler Josh Collmenter.

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