Even an Orioles reliever had to stare in wonder as Jackie Bradley Jr. robbed a walk-off home run

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One of the most frustrating parts of being a fan of a team -- or a player on the bench or in the bullpen -- is that you have no control over the outcomes on the field, even when they start not going your team's way. Maybe having a sense of wonder would mitigate some of that frustration.

That's what Orioles reliever Branden Kline experimented with during Wednesday night's game against the Red Sox. It appeared that Trey Mancini had hit a walk-off homer for the Orioles in the 11th inning. Then, Jackie Bradley Jr. happened.

The Orioles bullpen could only look on helplessly as JBJ robbed them of a win just a handful of feet in front of them. Unable to influence matters on the field, Kline decided to take advantage of his front-row seat for one of the best catches of the year.

While we sympathize with Kline, who had to watch as JBJ snatched victory away from his team right in front of his eyes, we're envious of the unparalleled view he had of the play. We're glad to see he at least appears to appreciate being able to see such an incredible catch up close.

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