One unlucky Cubs fan has been to 9 games in 2017 and hasn't seen them win

As sports fans, we've all had the feeling that, when we go to games, our team loses more than normal. We don't usually keep track, but we just know it's true.
One enterprising Cubs fan, however, has kept track of his team's performance when he goes to games. The results have been extremely unlucky.

The Cubs enter Thursday's game against the D-backs in first place in the NL Central with a 57-49 record. A simple calculation (not taking into account individual matchups, home-field advantage and so on) reveals that the odds of this fan witnessing nine losses in nine games sits at right around 0.1 percent.

While it is certainly an unlikely sequence of events this fan has experienced, it clearly is possible. Next time he goes to see the defending World Series champions, he should hold his head high: The Gambler's Fallacy says he's due to see a win.

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