A humble request for Noah Syndergaard to keep tweeting his fire tweets

If you've been closely following MLB players on social media this offseason (and really, why wouldn't you be?), you've learned one important fact: Noah Syndergaard's tweets are almost as fire as his fastball. 
Thursday's response to a tweet confirming the Mets' status as the hardest-throwing rotation in baseball is just the most recent piece of evidence. In it, Syndergaard employs a basic rule of all Internet communication: a Simpsons GIF is never not the right choice.

It goes all the way back to mid-November, when he informed everyone that Terry Collins was an award winner in at least one realm, even if it wasn't Earth

Part of Syndergaard's quality tweet game stems from his multidimensional use of the platform. He responds to fans ...

And reaches out to teammates:

But if we had to narrow it down, Syndergaard relies on two successful tropes for his tweets. First, not-so-subtle brags about how fast he and his fellow Mets pitchers throw: 

Second, casual reminders that he shares a nickname with a Norse god.

What's most surprising is his consistency. On a platform where quantity dwarfs quality, Syndergaard is an exception. He doesn't tweet every day, but he has a surprisingly high hit rate. 
What we're saying is: Please keep tweeting, Noah. 

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