You could nearly summit Everest with the HR distances of NL MVP Giancarlo Stanton

Giancarlo Stanton was named the National League Most Valuable Player in one of the closest votes in history on Thursday night. How did he do it -- besides sporting one of the best smiles in baseball? Dingers, of course. Lots of them. The 28-year-old hit 59 on the year, tops in the Majors. He hit them long and he hit them good.

He also led both leagues with 132 RBIs and the NL with a .631 slugging percentage. But back to the dingers. His longest was the above 477-footer and the shortest was 346 feet. Overall, his long balls add up to a whopping 24,675 feet. That's 8,225 yards and 4.7 miles. How does that measure up with some everyday objects? Glad you asked ...
- 17 Empire State Buildings 

- 82.25 football fields
- 3.6 Pebble Beach Golf Courses
- 3 Grand Canyons
- 4,329 Pitbulls

- 25 Eiffel Towers
- Almost the entire square mileage of Caribbean island Saba
- 12,338 Billy the Marlin bills

- 338 Marlins Park Home Run Sculptures

A person could also nearly summit Mt. Everest, which is around 29,000 feet high. Unfortunately, 4.7 miles could not get you from Marlins Park to South Beach. It's 7 miles. Maybe Stanton can get us all there next year. 
Either way, congrats to Giancarlo on a fantastic season.

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