The Braves fight night poster will give you a brand new fear of cheesesteaks

The Braves are at the forefront of the art movement in the Majors, offering up a fresh new poster designed by a new artist for every home series. Each one exists in its own little world -- ranging from treasure maps to playing cards to goofy hand-drawn designs.

But the newest one just may terrify you.


Yes, it's a classic fight night poster and it's absolutely gorgeous. I also so truly wish that Big Yicketty vs. The Hair Muscle was a real fight I could watch.

But, there's one thing that's unsettling me: The top bill. Just look at Cheesesteak Lou. There's something so horrifying about him. That face, that mustache that seems to hang too low on his hoagie-shaped body, about to fall off and reveal something truly monstrous under there; a squirming, living, breathing cheesesteak.

Fortunately, Cheesesteak Lou is not real -- he is the demented vision of artist Bob Pettitt. However, there are some who believe that the creation of the thing makes it real, which means you'd better hope Blooper can take him in a fight. Otherwise: Game over, folks.

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