The Nationals' broadcast team decided to add its own spin on 'Pups at the Park'

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The weekend following Opening Day highlights more than just baseball. It's the return of fan favorite activities, too -- hot dogs on a lazy afternoon, the rush for last call at the seventh-inning stretch and, of course, welcoming very good boys back to the ballpark.

The Nationals wasted no time in kicking off MLB's dog ballpark events in 2019, as Sunday's 5-4 win over the Mets coincided with "Pups at the Park." Many of the D.C. area's finest pooches arrived at Nationals Park and looked wonderful.

It was an exciting day, and few at the stadium had more fun than Nationals broadcasters F.P. Santangelo and Bob Carpenter. As seen in the video above, Santangelo decided to just give every dog any name he wanted while playing it fast and loose with their breeds, too.

"That is a pug, I believe," said Santangelo. "That's Tater Tot."

Pug or not, Tater Tot is a delightful dog. Even if his name is actually Buddy. Or Rookie. Or Max.

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