All your favorite big leaguers are together on a resort vacation in Hawaii right now

In only a few days' time, some of MLB's most dynamic and electric young stars will embark on a journey to the 2018 Japan All-Star Series. To prepare for the upcoming six-game series, the traveling squad spent the weekend in Hawaii practicing, relaxing and getting used to the time difference. 
While the players did get some actual baseball playing in over the weekend, they've also found time to do normal-resort-vacation-in-Hawaii-type stuff.

They also had an opportunity to visit the Pearl Harbor Memorial in Honolulu.

Based upon some of the players' Instagram posts, the whole team seems to be staying at the same resort, which looks exactly like the one from "Forgetting Sarah Marshall."

Here's an incredible photo of Nationals phenom Juan Soto -- in an outfit that he could have stolen from any of the other 12-year-old boys also staying at the resort -- looking like he's about to drink six virgin strawberry daiquiris before his mom tells him that's enough sugar for tonight.

After Soto and crew finished up what must have been a very competitive pool-side dinner buffet, they all made their way to a firedance show. Basicallyhalfoftherosterpostedvideo of the performance to their Instagram story.

On a less incendiary note, Cardinals backstop Yadier Molina, who just won his ninth Gold Glove, went for a run along the beach the other day and went live on Instagram at the end and oh my god why weren't we invited?

If any of these players go live on Instagram from atop a surfboard in the next 24 hours, we'll keep you in the know. 

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