10 of the best, most delightful animal moments in MLB this season

We watched baseball this year, as with every year, for the players. We watched to see human beings who possess superhuman levels of athletic ability do things that shouldn't be humanly possible. But sometimes, while we watched, the non-humans captured our attention -- with results that were often delightful, occasionally adorable and always filled with hijinks. 
Without further ado, here are 10 of the best animal moments from the 2016 MLB season.
Royals' Rally Mantis
For a few weeks in August and early September, the nation was captivated by one story: The Royals' Rally Mantis. It started with a series win. Then a memorial video. Then a second Rally Mantis. And another winning streak. Then a trip to a nature center. And although Rally Mantis Jr. has now joined his predecessor in the Great Mantis Beyond, their story will live on forever.

Angels' Friday the 13th Cat
Just before midnight struck on Friday the 13th at Angel Stadium in May, a cat darted onto the field and interrupted a Cardinals-Angels matchup. There's no way it was a coincidence.

AT&T Park's Skateboard Dog
A very rad dog was a frequent guest at Giants games this season -- and he might even have rally-inducing powers.

Jake Lamb's lamb
When the D-backs wanted to rally votes for Lamb's Final Vote bid for the 2016 Esurance MLB All-Star Game, they turned to -- what else? -- an actual lamb.

Dioner Navarro vs. A Fly
In one corner: The 5-foot-9, 215-lb. Navarro. In the other corner: A fly

Hawks of Coors Field
You know how balls tend to really fly at Coors Field? Turns out that hawks do, too:

The Pirate's Life for Rabbit
With all due respect to the other adorable animals that visited MLB ballparks this season: A bounding rabbit was the most adorable.

An Eagle's Flight for Freedom
The Dodgers' Fourth of July celebrations featured a pair of bald eagles, one of which demonstrated its independence by flying out of the ballpark:

Rockies' bat inspires Rockies' bats
Those hawks mentioned above weren't the only winged creatures hanging inside Coors Field. Meet the Rockies' bat, which inspired the Rockies' wooden bats to a comeback victory.

Seagulls take AT&T Park
In early April, seagulls took over AT&T Park. Thankfully, they were nice enough to let the Giants play out the rest of the season.