The MLB Movie Bracket has spoken, and 'Field of Dreams' has taken home the title

We began a few days ago, with a bracket of 16 and just one goal: to finally settle, with some good ol' American democracy, the debate over the best baseball movie ever made. There were upsets. There were nail-biters. There was much debate. And now, on the eve of the 2016 Oscars, the dust has settled, and a victor has emerged.
Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the MLB Movie Bracket is ... "Field of Dreams," which pulled away from "Bull Durham" in the final round and picked up 63 percent of the vote. Thanks to everyone who made their voice heard, and remember -- there's never a bad time to play catch with your dad. 


Stars: Kevin Costner, James Earl Jones
Box office gross: $84.4 million
Rotten Tomatoes score: 86%
One-line summary: An Iowa farmer plows over his crops when a strange voice tells him to build a baseball field for the ghost of Shoeless Joe Jackson.
Why it's the best baseball movie ever: This is the only baseball film to be played in marathon fashion on cable television on Fathers Day, and that's because baseball is the foundation of the relationship between fathers and sons. "Field of Dreams" romanticizes America's pastime and literary history while offering its own addition to the cultural lexicon with, "If you build it, he will come." Plus, it's got the two best things that any original American tale can have: Baseball and time travel.
What the former players say