Ichiro Suzuki, baseball wizard, wants to play until he's 50 years old

We've noted that Ichiro Suzukimay be a wizard before on this blog. He provided an all-time MLB highlight just days after his MLB debut, racked up 3,000-plus hits in 16 years and, at the age of 42 last season, slashed at an incredible .291/.354/.376 line. He stole 10 bases and had five triples!
So, it's hardly a surprise that the 10-time Gold Glove winner told the Miami Herald on Wednesday that he wants to play until he's 50. Check it out below:
At 43, [Ichiro] is the oldest position player in the Majors. Only Braves pitcher Bartolo Colon - 51 days his senior - is older among active players. And yet there is no sign of quit in him. He said he wants to continue playing until he's 50. "I'm not joking when I say it," Suzuki said.

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/sports/mlb/miami-marlins/article141551584.html#storylink=cpy
Only a handful of Major Leaguers have kept playing close to 50 years of age. Many were token appearances, but some like Julio Franco (49) and Jamie Moyer (49) were everyday members of the roster. So, who's to say Ichiro can't do it -- especially since he almost literally has #nooffseason:
The last time he took [a vacation] - 2004 or '05, he doesn't recall which - was a week-long trip to Milan, Italy. He worked out pretty much the entire time ... His typical offseason - if it can be called that - hardly exists. "Three or four days, tops," said his translator, Allen Turner.

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/sports/mlb/miami-marlins/article141551584.html#storylink=cpy

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/sports/mlb/miami-marlins/article141551584.html#storylink=cpy
Look at this man.
He also hit a cool .302 in 43 at-bats this spring and has a club option for 2018. We're on board with it, Ichiro. And if you can't do it for us, please do it for this guy.

Check out the rest of the Herald article here.

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