Mark Trumbo's last seven hits have been home runs, as he just can't stop launching Trum-bombs

In Mark Trumbo, the Orioles knew they'd be getting a strong man, capable of hitting booming home runs with a mere flick of the wrist. 
Heading into this season the slugger had 131 home runs to his name, but what he's done for the O's over the past few months has been quite a surprise for Buck Showalter's club. By that, we mean that Trumbo's last seven hits have all left the ballpark. Seven. Straight. Long balls. It's an accomplishment dating back to August 11 in Oakland.
His latest blast, clubbed in Monday's 4-3 win over the Nationals, gave him an MLB-best 38 on the campaign: 

With this, Trumbo became the first Oriole to have home runs on seven straight hits. The MLB record is 11 straight, set by Mark McGwire in 2001, and nobody else has more than eight to his name. 
For anyone unaware, a Trumbo round-tripper is affectionately referred to as a Trum-bomb in various online circles, which, when written out in emoji, looks like this: 

No team has hit more homers this season than the O's, so it comes as no surprise that they started a game earlier in the week with back-to-back-to-back homers -- a feat which involved Trumbo, of course.
Anything he does from here on out will add on to the personal best he's already set this season, as his previous career-high was 34 homers in 2013: 

All of this recent activity came after he anointed himself as the first Oriole ever to hit two homers in one inning back on April 15, too. 
Speaking with's Ryan Baillargeon after the game, Trumbo seemed as in awe of his own power as the rest of us. When asked how he explains the seven straight homers thing, all he could figure was this: 
"You don't. I don't know. I was aware of it, but just baseball."
As for how much of a factor he's been in the O's lineup this season, Trumbo likened it to the approach he brought into 2016: 
"I think at times maybe the ball park helped a little bit. These were some of the things that I wanted to do in the offseason. I wanted to drive the ball in the air a little bit more this year. That was kind of the mindset going into it and all the offseason work was kind of geared towards that. You don't know if it's going to materialize or not, but you hope it has and so far so good."
(Trum)bombs away, Mark.

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