A young fan was surprised with a special gift from Manny Machado

JJ Roddenberry is a huge Manny Machado fan. So much so, that when the Orioles planned to play the Braves in Atlanta, where JJ resides, his parents surprised him with tickets for his 14th birthday to see his favorite player. When Roddenberry found out he was going to the game, tears filled his eyes. But his surprises weren't over yet.
Machado saw the video of the young fan and sent a video of his own a few days later inviting JJ to batting practice and to hang with the team:

As you can see, JJ was shocked. Machado also posted the video to his Instagram -- noticing the Roddenberry family dog was very excited over the news as well.
The Braves take on the Orioles Sunday, and this may be a birthday gift JJ will never forget.

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