The Yankees gave Manny Machado an idea of what he'd look like in pinstripes

Everyone loves to be wined and dined, so Manny Machado must be having one heck of a week as he's set to meet with the White Sox, Phillies, Yankees and a -- gasp -- mystery team. Wednesday was his chance to head to Yankee Stadium, and he got the full royal treatment. But, like, seriously, there were reporters stationed outside trying to follow his entire trip.
From the minute he entered: 

Until the second he pulled out in his black car: 

But what happened inside those doors? While he was presumably given a tour through the facilities and a meeting with the Yankees oracle who speaks of the future in riddles, we know for a fact that Machado got to see what it would look like if he was in the Yankees lineup: 

That's an image Yankees fans are going to hope becomes a reality on Opening Day. 

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