Kyle Schwarber broke Wrigley's Budweiser sign with a massive BP homer

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Flash back to October, 2015. The Cubs mounted a deep postseason run, taking out the rival Cardinals in a heated NLDS showdown. One of the series' most dramatic moments, of course, was a Game 4 homer hit by Kyle Schwarber that landed on top of the scoreboard above the right-field bleachers.
It was a majestic, awe-inspiring blast that firmly established Schwarber's status as a guy who can seriously hit a baseball a long, long way:

In case you wanted a more recent example of Schwarbs' intense power stroke, well, he mimicked this now-classic '15 homer prior to the Cubs' 7-5 win over the Reds on Wednesday night. As in, he hit it almost exactly to the same spot in right field (as captured by Cubs Productions): 

When's Carrie Muskat asked Schwarber what happened during BP, he explained:
"I guess I hit it in [batting] practice. It had some wind behind it. You could see some wires fall. I apologize in advance. I'm sure they'll make that quick fix."
As impressive as the sign-smashing home run was, however, Schwarber added, "It would be better if it was in the game."
Because Schwarber is the picture of consistency, his mammoth BP blast on Wednesday came after he crushed the longest homer of his career to date, a Statcast-approved 462-foot moon shot on Tuesday:

As for his antics on Wednesday, well, it sure seems as if property-destroying dingers are all the rage these days. 

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