Check out these adorable photos from Kris Bryant's Las Vegas wedding

Back in January, Kris Bryant and longtime girlfriend/lip-syncer-in-crime Jessica Delp tied the knot. There were some fabulous official photos and even some photobooth shenanigans.
Now, though, we finally have details -- thanks to a story in this summer's issue of Martha Stewart Weddings.

The couple's vision for the wedding? Simple and elegant. "I wanted our guests of every age to think it was beautiful," Jessica said. 
So, naturally, that could only mean one thing: doughnuts. Apparently, somewhere along the line, someone floated the idea of a doughnut stand to Bryant, and he was immediately sold. "I don't care where we get married," he told his bride-to-be, "but there will be doughnuts."
When not filling up on fried dough, the two shared a first dance:

And there was even time for a brief Bryzzo reunion:

For even more non-doughnut-related details, you can read the full story right here

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