A mischievous Josh Donaldson used seeds and bubblegum to prank his teammates in the dugout

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Sidelined with a calf injury for most of this season, Josh Donaldson has been forced to stay off the field for the Blue Jays through these first few weeks, though he's making progress toward a return
Free time in baseball, of course, means plenty of opportunities for antics and high jinks, and the Blue Jays' slugger was apparently as motivated as ever during Toronto's 2-1 win over the Rays on Sunday.
As seen in the clip atop this post, Donaldson blew a pretty good bubble and, naturally, attempted to affix his chewed gum to Troy Tulowitzki's cap as a prank. Earlier in the game, he poured a bunch of seeds in the hood of Marco Estrada's jacket, though it looks as if Estrada caught on to the scheme at the end: 

That's two attempted pranks for Donaldson at the expense of his teammates, though he came up just short each time. No matter. Practice makes perfect, so J.D. is clearly just honing his skills for his next time out. 
Be aware, Toronto players! 

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