You could watch this flip play from Jose Iglesias 50 times and it'd still look like magic

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Some players have "it," that hard-to-quantify but definitely easy to see ability to do the sorts of things on the diamond that make you sit up in your chair, shout in excitement to somebody sitting next to you or, simply, watch the replay over and over.
Tigers shortstop José Iglesias, currently enjoying a bit of a renaissance season, has the aforementioned "it" when he's out there with his glove. His glove is all he needs sometimes -- not even his other hand, as he demonstrated in Monday's game with the Royals on a slow bouncer off the bat of Rosell Herrera: 

That deserves additional looks:

Seriously, Jose? That's just ... wow. 
In the top of the next inning, the Royals answered back with a flip play of their own courtesy of Salvador Perez, playing first base: 

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Excellent defense everywhere!

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