Giants broadcaster Jon Miller doubles down on Hunter Pence home run call mishap

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If Jon Miller's Tuesday night home run call on Hunter Pence's two-run dinger were a movie, it would be titled "Home Run Call Mishap 2: The Reckoning of Buster Posey's Friend".
After accidentally starting a call on Pence's grand slam with the wrong name on Thursday, Miller saved face by elongating it to correctly (and hilariously) identify Pence as the hitter:

So when Pence went yard again on Tuesday, Miller was quick to atone for his mistaken call and/or capitalize on the commercial success of his original phrasing:

As if Pence leaning into the joke on Twitter, and Miller doubling down on the call wasn't celebration enough, Posey got in on the action when he wished his friend a happy birthday on Instagram:

A part of us is hoping that this call sticks for the rest of the season ... and that, in the aftermath of all the excitement, Pence and Posey are contacting their Giants HR representative to list each other as their emergency contacts.

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